My Royal Priesthood

What A Mighty God We Serve!

What a mighty God we serve! Several years ago, we were praying for healing for Evang. Marlene Manning from cancer. It was a long road, but as you already know, she has a powerful testimony of healing. This morning, she shared with me that she visited her oncologist and is now officially five years cancer free!!! She is now off all cancer maintenance medicines!
Over a year ago, we were praying for Deacon Benjamin Johnson’s healing after the doctors said he had just three to six months. You have heard the powerful testimony that Elder Ingrid Johnson has shared with us of how God miraculously healed Deacon Johnson. And you have heard my testimony of how early last year, I was stricken with severe spinal stenosis and a dislocated disc in my back, but God healed me. Today, I am still healed!!! 
Now I do not know why God calls some people home and restores the physical health of others. What I do know is that He sees a much bigger picture than any human can see, and His greatness is so vast that it is beyond our capacity to fully comprehend!
“Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable” Psalm 145:3 NKJV).


Unsearchable Greatness
It simply is not possible to fathom just how great God is. It is beyond anything that is within our scope for comparison. The KJV and many other translations say, “His greatness is unsearchable.”  We cannot comprehend the magnitude of His greatness because it is outside the realm of all that we are able to think or imagine.
Perhaps, that is why Chris Tomlin, in what may be his best-known song, exclaimed or posed succinctly, “How great is our God!” It is both an exclamation and a question. “Age to age He stands. And time is in His hands, beginning and the end… How great, how great, is our God!”


Now consider this! That greatness is at work within you and me! Let that sink in while you wrestle with doing what God has given you to do!  Marinate on that, while you ponder whether you can fulfill your God-given assignment!  Let it stir in your thoughts as you gaze at the mountain that is standing between you and the vision God has given you! Whether it is a career, ministry, educational goal, or a vision of physical healing, “nothing will be impossible for you” (Mt. 17:20). The unsearchable greatness of our mighty God is at work within us!!  


 Focus Quote: “Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us.”      

                                               –Ephesians 3:20 AMP

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