December 28, 2023, Mrs. Willa C: Consumed with Passion!

Mrs. Willa C Johnson

“Passion for God’s house will consume me” (John 2:17 NLT)


Each day at noon sharp, when I was a child in Enfield, N. C., the time was signaled by the blaring sound of an air raid siren as heard in this link: Air Raid Siren Sound Effect (  
We called it the noon Whistle. For us it meant that it was time to leave the cotton, tobacco, or peanut fields and take a treasured lunch break until 1:00 p.m.

At one point in the town’s history well into the mid-1960s, there was a 9 O’clock whistle on Saturday nights which was a siren the authorities blew to warn Blacks to clear off the downtown streets. This is well documented in a film produced and directed by 95-year-old retired English teacher Willa Cofield Johnson. Here is the trailer for the film: The Nine O’clock Whistle documentary trailer on Vimeo

When I was in the primary grades, Mrs. Willa C. Johnson was teaching high school English to my sisters at T. S. Inborden School (K-12). This was during the heat of the Civil Rights Movement. Mrs. Willa C’s efforts to get Blacks registered to vote and her students involved in the movement became the talk around dinner tables in many homes including those of Klan members who burned a cross on her lawn one night as a warning.

I was surprised to learn recently that Mrs. Willa C is still active in the work she was so passionate about in the 1960s. She is writing a companion book to supplement the documentary film cited above. When you are passionate about something, it consumes you lifelong, and you do it with all your heart, soul, and strength. This is illustrated in Scripture through Jesus’ passion for His Father’s house.


On two occasions, Jesus cleansed the temple, His Father’s house, of money changers and merchants He called thieves. He did this at the beginning of His ministry (John 2:13-17), and again near the end just before He was crucified (Matt. 21:12-17; Mark 11:15-19; Luke 19:45-48). Earlier, when Mary and Joseph lost Him for three agonizing days when He was only 12, He passionately exclaimed in response to Mary’s question, “Didn’t you know I must be in my Father’s house?” or “about my Father’s business?” Since the Father’s House is in each one of us, Jesus was saying that He is consumed with passion for you and for me! Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost” (1 Cor. 6:19). You are the Father’s house and His house shall be a house of prayer (Luke 19:46).


I believe the passion for the rights of her people to be treated with the same dignity and respect as their White counterparts consumed Mrs. Willa C.  My sisters Helena, Louetta, and Gwen saw and could feel her passion. Even though she retired from teaching before I reached high school, she is still mentally sharp, writing, directing, producing, and fulfilling her mission because it has consumed her. 
What mission has consumed you with passion? What mission are you doing with all your heart, soul, and might because the Spirit of the LORD is upon you to do it like that? I have seen and felt it in some of you! And you are an encouragement to me! I am not as old as Mrs. Willa C. But in the words of the old gospel song, “I’ve been running for Jesus a long time.” Next year, God willing, I will turn 70! And I’m not tired yet!
Focus Quote: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor…to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and the recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised”
 –Luke 4:18
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                      Dr. Alton E. Sumner                     
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