May 11, 2023, “In Dry Seasons, Let us Know.”

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As we are in district convocation this week, I am sharing a message I wrote in July of last year. I hope it will be refreshing for you.

Let’s face it, we all experience dry seasons periodically. Like the occasional droughts when the grass loses its luster, the ground cracks, creek beds dry up, and even the perennials begin to droop, seasons of melancholy, despondency, and dry times find all of us. Despite spending time in the gym, walking for miles, and doing pushups consistently this week, I have found myself feeling sluggish and unable to focus on writing or much of anything else that I needed to get done. But sitting down to write tonight an old song came to me.  One we used to sing down in the country.  Perhaps, you know it too…

“In the Word of God, I’ve got a hiding place!

In the Word of God, I’ve got a hiding place!

[Well] Throw me overboard, I’ll find a hiding place!

Yes, I’ll find a hiding place!!!!”

“Let us know. Let us pursue the knowledge of the LORD. His going forth is established in the morning; He will come to us like rain, like the latter and former rain to the earth” (Hosea 6:3 NKJV).

In Dry Seasons, Let us Know!

What!!! After finally getting a break from the morally bankrupt leadership stranglehold of the last presidency, we now find ourselves beset by worldwide inflation caused in large measure by the Russian war in Ukraine and the economic impact of the multi-year pandemic that seems determined to keep hanging around. Horrific weekly instances of mass shootings and police killings of young black males proliferate in the news. To escape the negativity, we turn to movies and television shows only to see more ugliness, vulgarity, and vicious violence. And almost every television show has an agenda of normalizing fornication or blatantly promoting same-sex relationships.

So, we are understandably feeling discouraged at times, and battling automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) of hopelessness and depression.  We may also agonize about the next generation, our children, and grandchildren, as our adversary, the devil, ups his ante through media, especially social media, and music!  

But wait! In the Word of God, we’ve got a hiding place, a place of refuge, where we can find relief, refreshing, and relaxation. It is our answer to depression! There is always a word from the LORD in the Word of God! As I sat down to write to you this time, He pointed me to Hosea 6:3. 

This is the word for this time! Regardless of what we see going on around us, “Let us know.”  Pursue the knowledge of the LORD! If we KNOW Him, if we pursue the knowledge of the LORD, He will come to us like the former rain which fell in Israel in the autumn season, October-November, and the latter rain in the spring, March-April, and refreshed the land so there was great productivity and abundance.   

You may be in a dry season but pursue the knowledge of the LORD! Depression may attack you but know and pursue Him! We pursue Him by reading and studying His Word daily, praying consistently, and worshipping, seeking to know what we can do for Him daily.  Then listen. Listen to the abundance of rain! Remember, when Elijah told King Ahab, “There is the sound of abundance of rain,” (1 Kings 18:41) it hadn’t rained for three years and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Oh, but the rains came down!

Don’t you just love that!  He will come to us like a refreshing rain, taking away the dryness of our bereft and depressed spirits when we pursue the knowledge of Him! I feel so much better now!

Focus Quote: “I will bless my people and their homes…And in the proper season I will send the showers they need. There will be showers of blessings.”  (Ezekiel 34:26 NLT)

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