August 31, 2023 “LOVE” “I love you!” As the world-renowned “star” was finishing his performance, someone in the audience shouted those words. His seemingly automatic response was, “I love you too!” (Sidenote: A friend of mine, who really is a celebrity, told me years ago, that she learned early never to accept being called a star, because …

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Keepin’ it 100!

 July 27, 2023 Keepin’ it 100! Can Christians have filth and evil in their lives? How long have you been a Christian? James is writing to Jewish believers, Jews who have accepted Christ and have His word planted in their hearts. In other words, he is writing to Christians. God said, “If my people who are called …

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What’s Happening?

July 20, 2023 What’s Happening? Walking swiftly across the rolling hills and verdant green on the campus of North Carolina Central University to get to my 8:00 a.m. class in the fall of 1972, I was frequently greeted by passersby with, “What’s happening?” I confess that initially, I had no idea how to respond. Was it a …

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June 1, 2023 The Slingshot! Sometimes God uses simple things as a reminder that we must get good instructions from Him before venturing out to use the gifts He has given us. “In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.” (Rom. 12:6a NLT)  The Slingshot!In my early childhood most of …

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May 11, 2023, “In Dry Seasons, Let us Know.”  As we are in district convocation this week, I am sharing a message I wrote in July of last year. I hope it will be refreshing for you. Let’s face it, we all experience dry seasons periodically. Like the occasional droughts when the grass loses its …

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