February 20, 2025 Declare The Whole Counsel Of God

Minimalist image of a torn paper with the phrase 'Let Go, Let God' in colorful letters.

As ministers and other exponents of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, do we tiptoe around certain issues for fear of offending someone? Or do we declare the whole counsel of God? 

“Therefore, I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:26-27).

Declare the Whole Counsel of God

You have heard the expression, “That’ll preach!” It seems to imply that the audience will respond well to the message. The people will stand, applaud, shout “Amen,” and maybe even put money on the altar. All of that is good, but what about the messages that almost certainly will not get that kind of response? How often do we preach, 

“Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or worship idols, commit adultery, are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, are thieves, greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)?  How many people will put money on the altar for that?

I have shared before about Mother Sadie Pettiford, a mother in the church I attended in my youth. She was an elementary school teacher, a very strict, by-the-book type who wore her hair pulled back into a bun. She was also a serious altar worker who wanted everybody to be saved. Her methods were a bit unnerving though. In those days, you had to spend time on your knees, until you knew you were saved. Thank God, we only have to repeat the sinner’s prayer today! If you were at the altar and Mother Pettiford thought you were pretending, she would come at you– praying, calling out the devil, and strike your forehead with her open palm! I saw several who were startled into a more serious posture!

And those songs she made up and sang during those old-fashioned “testifying services!” Yes, I shared about her songs before, but some things are worth repeating. Check how often important things are repeated in the Bible!  One of her songs was, “Ain’t No Ice Water Down in Hell.” Another was, “Sin is Sin, Don’t Care Who it’s in.” Mother Pettiford spent her life praising God, warning people that, “the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life” (Romans 6:23). She wanted to make sure she would stand before God, “innocent of the blood of all men.” She passed away praising God in church, the place she loved so dearly.

Are we afraid of being less popular with people? Shouldn’t we be more concerned with what God thinks about us? If we love Him and love them, we will tell people what He says, not just what’ll preach or what they may prefer to hear. If we love people, we will tell them, “Sin is sin, don’t care who it’s in. Oh, and we’ll tell them also, “Don’t fool yourself, ‘Ain’t no ice water down in hell!’”  The other messages are good and necessary. But do not neglect to declare the whole counsel of God!

Well, whew! This is not the Black History Month message I had planned to share but it is what God gave me to share. 

Focus Quote: “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29 KJV).

The new book (a devotional anthology) by Alton Sumner, Standingon the Promises: Defeating Fear and Breaking Barriers has now been published by Broad Wing Press, and is available via Amazon Books (Amazon.com), Barnes & Noble.com, and Walmart.com.

Get it today, please. It’s an easy read. Let me know your thoughts. An Amazon review would also be greatly appreciated.


altonesumner.com – an inspiring motivational ministry.


Please continue to join us at 5:14 p.m. each day as we pause to pray. 

Blessings, Peace, and Love,


Dr. Alton E. Sumner

(301) 921-6060

Listening to the Soul! Lightening the Heart! Lifting the Spirit!



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