Today I want to talk about one of my favorite verses: 2 Timothy 2:15.


This verse says: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (NIV)

I love this verse because it reminds me of three things:

1. God wants me to do my best. He doesn’t expect me to be perfect, but he does want me to give him my all. He wants me to be faithful, diligent, and obedient in everything I do.

2. God approves of me. He doesn’t judge me by my performance, but by his grace. He loves me unconditionally and accepts me as his child. He doesn’t shame me for my mistakes, but he forgives me and helps me grow.

3. God wants me to handle his word correctly. He doesn’t want me to twist it, ignore it, or misuse it. He wants me to study it, understand it, and apply it. He wants me to know his truth and live by it.

So how can I do these things? Well, I think the key is in the first word: study. To present myself approved to God, I need to study his word regularly and carefully. I need to read it, meditate on it, and memorize it. I need to ask questions, seek answers and learn from others. I need to pray for wisdom, guidance, and revelation.


Studying God’s word is not a chore or a burden; it’s a privilege and a joy. It’s how I get to know him better and love him more. It’s how I grow in faith and maturity. It’s how I become more like Jesus.

So let’s make studying God’s word a priority in our lives. Let’s do our best to present ourselves approved to God as workers who correctly handle his word of truth.

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